Unlocking Success: Create a White Glove Recruitment Experience for New Employees

Employer branding and pre-hire onboarding are absolutely essential elements in the exciting world of recruitment and hiring! These aspects not only attract top talent but also ensure that new hires are seamlessly integrated into your company culture and values right from the start. Let's dive into how the House of Higher, an innovative organization dedicated to revolutionizing company practices, can help you ace these areas and create a "love at first sight" experience for your new employees.


Employer Branding: Creating the Wow Factor

 Employer branding is all about how your company is perceived by potential employees. It's the magic that sparks in the minds of job seekers when they think about working for your organization. According to a study by Glassdoor, 86% of job seekers check out company reviews and ratings before making a decision. With the House of Higher by your side, you can:


Define Your Unique Value Proposition: Stand out from the crowd and attract top talent!

Research from Harvard Business Review shows that companies with a strong employer brand receive 50% more qualified applicants. Let the House of Higher lead workshops and strategy sessions to help you showcase what makes your company truly special, whether it's your culture, values, innovation, or growth opportunities.


Communicate Your Brand: Make sure your employer brand shines bright!

Statistics from LinkedIn indicate that 75% of candidates evaluate an employer's brand before applying for a job. Let the House of Higher guide you in crafting engaging content, digital marketing strategies, and recruiter training to ensure your message resonates with potential hires.


Engage with Potential Candidates: Go beyond showcasing your brand—create meaningful connections!

Data from Forbes shows that engaged employees can boost performance by up to 202%. Let the House of Higher help you organize exciting events, webinars, and open house sessions to give candidates a firsthand experience of your company culture.


Pre-Hire Onboarding: Building Lasting Connections

 The onboarding journey begins the moment a candidate says yes to your offer and continues through their first day on the job. It's crucial for making a stellar first impression and ensuring your new hires feel like part of the team right from the get-go.


Welcome Experience: A warm onboarding experience can increase employee retention by a whopping 82%!

Research from Deloitte shows that a positive onboarding experience can significantly impact employee engagement and performance. Let the House of Higher assist in designing a welcome experience that showcases your brand and values, including personalized welcome packages, inspiring video messages, and a clear onboarding itinerary.


Onboarding Portal: Streamline the onboarding process for new hires and boost productivity by 70%!

Statistics from SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) indicate that a well-structured onboarding process can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention. The House of Higher can help develop or enhance your onboarding portal with engaging content and seamless navigation, ensuring your new employees have all the information they need at their fingertips.


Social Integration: Integrate new hires into your company's social fabric before they even step foot in the office!

Data from Gallup shows that social integration can lead to 45% higher job satisfaction. The House of Higher can provide guidance on setting up mentorship programs, virtual team introductions, and pre-start-date social events to create a sense of belonging from the start.


Keeping the Momentum Going

The relationship between employer branding and pre-hire onboarding is dynamic and exciting! The House of Higher can offer ongoing support and insights to help you maintain this positive momentum, ensuring that the initial "love at first sight" evolves into long-term loyalty and engagement for your employees.


In conclusion, with the House of Higher on your team, your employer branding and pre-hire onboarding strategies will not only be effective but also truly transformative, creating a magnetic attraction for top talent and fostering a vibrant and engaging introduction to your company culture. Let's make recruitment and onboarding a thrilling journey together!


Contact us at: Amy@houseofhigher.com

Hire Happy. Work Happy.™


Building a Happy, Long-Term Workforce with The House of Higher: Key Strategies for Employee Retention


The Happy Hire Method™: Elevate Your Employer Brand & 'Hire Happy'!